Chris is one of New York’s busier comedians. Along with being a regular at New York’s best comedy clubs, Chris...
Philadelphia may have been where Buddy Fitzpatrick was born, but it was in a Philadelphia Comedy Club where he came...
Comedian, Writer, Director, Producer, MOM With over 2 dozen television credits to her name, CAROLE is a respected veteran of...
A tough, street smart, wisecracking stand-up comic, Carrie has been taking the New York City comedy club scene by storm...
Brad Z's One Man Show 'My Son The Waiter, A Jewish Tragedy' In this part standup/part theatrical piece Brad tells...
Brad is a common sight on the college scene, as he performs in excess of 200 colleges per year. He can...
Ben K, called "Philly's favorite comedian" by The Philadelphia Inquirer, is a very funny stand-up comedian whose act of sharp...
Andy has been handy with the twist of the tongue, the turn of the phrase and the effects of sound...