Casino Rentals For Entertainment purposes ONLY All tables come complete with chips, cards and accessories. Chairs must be provided by you for all sit down tables. Rentals are as follows: Black Jack table rental (7 players ) $150.ea Poker table rental (7-10 players…
Our Night for Races fundraiser will make Your Fundraiser Exciting Put Fun in Fundraising It's simple and easy as..... Pick your favorite horse, then follow your horse during the race from the starting gate to the Finish Line! Its almost like your at the track. The race track announcer proclaims "And They're Off," the…
Bingo fundraising Everybody loves playing games of chance and winning prizes, so a Bingo fundraiser is an easy moneymaker. This fun event works well for schools, church groups, and nonprofit organizations. Getting started A bingo fundraiser is very easy to put together. All you need is a large room with lots of tables, We supply…
[embed][/embed] We do the magic............. Catch the "Green Screen Magic" we shoot your guests in front of our screen and superimpose any backdrop that you choose. We have the capability to create: -Magazine covers -Custom themed photos -Action shots with one to several guests. They are printed and place in a hard cardboard frame. …
So what is an animated flipbook? Motion flipbooks are a series of pictures put together to create a motion video. After a 150 years we've combined new technology with classic animation bringing a whole new level of fun to your next event. You've seen these "moving picture machines" at old penny arcades & amusement parks, in fact you probably,…
This is a Fun interactive favor for the whole Family--Entertain guests at functions by putting their heads in a live music video on top of professional dancer's bodies! Boogie Heads is suitable for all audiences and produces an instant music video... and laughter on the spot. Using state-of-the-art "chroma-key" (green screen) technology, guests choose from…
Caricatures will liven up any event. One might even say, “We really draw a crowd!” It is fun to be drawn, and just as fun to watch your friends get transformed into a cartoon before your very eyes! Our professional artists work quickly to draw your guests in under a few minutes each.