Comedian Bobby Collins has an ability to truthfully translate the human condition. Audiences across the country relate to his comedic...
Dick Capri has taken the comedy world by storm and has left millions laughing in his comedic wake. In...
Jeff Ross, is an American stand-up comedian, insult comic, actor, directorand author. His skill in doing high-profile celebrity roasts and his...
When Dom Irrera takes the stage, he does not simply get on it, he owns it! Dom projects a singular...
Bill is the perfect Keynote speaker for any occasion. One of John's Favorite Public Speakers! Bill Boggs is...
Steve Schirripa was born in Brooklyn, NY a city noted more for the mob stereotype. But stereotypes, like...
Rising from the streets of New York's ghettos to television superstardom, Jimmie Walker personifies the great American success story....