20+ years ago Kevin and his brother Andre created and produced “The Uptown Comedy Club” tv show (on the FOX...
Mike has performed extensively throughout America, appearing at comedy clubs, colleges, corporate events, and as an opening act for musical artists such as...
Gina has been a stand up and TV star in the UK for several years now, with appearances on iconic...
He hosted his own radio show and the long-running Johnny P Show on TV. As a singer, impressionist, and comedian,...
Neko W is a stand-up comedian and a regular at top comedy clubs such as Caroline’s on Broadway, Comic Strip Live,...
Brooke is a comic, actress, writer, and host of Hack My Life on truTV and Season Three starts airing in March 2017! She...
Justin is a stand-up comic who most recently tested in for NBC’s SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE to become a regular performer....
As a seasoned comedian, she has her own Comedy Central Presents, as well as having been on Conan O’Brien, @ Midnight, The...
Known for his no holds barred style, Kevin is one of the top standup comedians in the country. Kevin started his...