The Monkey Man
HAVE MONKEY WILL TRAVEL THE MONKEY MAN arrives at your birthday party about one hour after your guests arrive, giving every...
The Gizmos Comedy Jugglers
Slapstick comedy juggling and audience participation Look What They Can Do for You Captivate clients, prospects, or employees at presentations...
Horse Play and Lucky Guess Game Shows
Game shows are one of the most popular shows on TV. Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune and Family Feud are the...
Chinese Plate Spinner and Acrobat
Our Asian acrobat was born in the city of Shenyang in The Northeast of China. At the age of six...
Frank Sinatra Impersonator
Our Sinatra, a graduate of the Tisch school of the arts at New York He University, studied acting at...
Rat Pack Show
When Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. hit the stage, it was always a “swingin affair”! These...