Comedian Bobby Collins has an ability to truthfully translate the human condition. Audiences across the country relate to his comedic...
Chris is one of New York’s busier comedians. Along with being a regular at New York’s best comedy clubs, Chris...
Philadelphia may have been where Buddy Fitzpatrick was born, but it was in a Philadelphia Comedy Club where he came...
Comedian, Writer, Director, Producer, MOM With over 2 dozen television credits to her name, CAROLE is a respected veteran of...
A tough, street smart, wisecracking stand-up comic, Carrie has been taking the New York City comedy club scene by storm...
Brad Z's One Man Show 'My Son The Waiter, A Jewish Tragedy' In this part standup/part theatrical piece Brad tells...
Brad is a common sight on the college scene, as he performs in excess of 200 colleges per year. He can...
Ben K, called "Philly's favorite comedian" by The Philadelphia Inquirer, is a very funny stand-up comedian whose act of sharp...
Andy has been handy with the twist of the tongue, the turn of the phrase and the effects of sound...