Comedy Mind Reading Show Henry performs an incredible stand-up mind reading show. This is a fast moving show that features...
Terry , better known as “Terry Terrific”, is a very popular and successful magician that has been entertaining in...
Mark M is a professional magician who is fascinated by using magic to better understand how we see the world. In...
"Inspirational and profound..." Apple Inc. "A rising star on the Philadelphia magic scene" South Street Magic "One of my favorite...
Close-Up Standup Stage Corporate The Focus is on Fun! That's why George is the original Magicomedian. His unique comic touch...
Magic Shows for Kids & Family Parties Brian's Magic Show "How to Fill Your Party With Laughter, Applause, Surprises and...
A live show of Classic Circus and sideshow performers that will SHOCK- AMAZE-AMUSE and Scare you. Shows can range from...
Jonathan B Family Events Jonathan Magic means family magic, and family magic is for everyone. He’ll make a...
Magician and Mentalist Imagine you are having a party or gathering. You are checking on your guests and you see...