The Comedy Magic Of Tom D With over twenty five years of experience nationwide, Tom D has continued to amaze...
Spade will entertain your audience like no one else. Comedy magic is his specialty. Whether close-up, walk-around magic or with...
April 15, 2000, the Tribeca Performing Arts Center in New York the President of the Parent Assembly #1 proclaimed...
You have never seen magic like this! At 8 years old, he was hailed by the International Brotherhood of Magicians as...
Sam the Magician, is not just a magician, but also a - master illusionist, inspirational speaker and America's only full...
Steve C is a nationally known children's entertainer, magician, ventriloquist, radio programmer, songwriter, children’s author, and recording artist. Steve performs...
Norm ,who has opened for the likes of Tim Allen, Emo Phillips, and Soupy Sales, will be providing halftime entertainment...
You have seen Mark B on History Channel’s HIT show ‘Pawn Stars’ and ‘Showtime at The Apollo’ and he was...
Stage shows School Shows Family shows Close up shows Corporate and Private There are a lot of ways to bring...